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Self-build builds potential for more and better homes

Source: Public Sector Executive April/May 2019

The director of The Right to Build Task Force – which advises stakeholders on bringing on more custom and self-build homes – Mario Wolf, who is currently on secondment from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, discusses challenges the public sector needs to engage with to deliver housing supply growth.

In his recent review findings, Sir Oliver Letwin pointed to the need for diversification in housing supply on large sites in areas of high housing demand to speed up delivery. Custom and self-build will make a vital contribution to this diversification, but to do so it needs the public sector to embrace it, and recognise that it can deliver more and better homes.

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South Norfolk MP calls for a self-build homes revolution to limit dominance of major housebuilders

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Richard-Bacon-MPWhy, when it comes do buying a shirt do we have almost infinite choice, yet when it comes to investing in a new home, we seem to have hardly any? says MP for South Norfolk Richard Bacon

The current new-build housing market, dominated by a few large-volume companies is “intellectually bankrupt”, according to South Norfolk MP Richard Bacon.

The answer? Empowering more people to be able to build their own homes.Read More »South Norfolk MP calls for a self-build homes revolution to limit dominance of major housebuilders

Turn UK into a Nation of Self-Builders says Government Minister

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Pickles_webThe Communities and Local Government Secretary  Eric Pickles on 15 October 2013 said he will turn the UK into a “nation of self-builders” by offering subsidies and tax breaks to people who create their own home.

The UK must become like countries including Austria, Belgium and Sweden, which “reward” people who choose to build their own property, Mr Pickles said.

He said that helping tens of thousands of people to build their own homes will stop “homogeneous, pasteurised housing” being built across the country.

People in the countryside will then be much less likely to oppose custom built housing than larger developments and estates, Mr Pickles said.Read More »Turn UK into a Nation of Self-Builders says Government Minister

New Homes Bonus scheme adds up to £660m for councils

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England’s 353 councils are set to share a cash payout of £661m over the next year, after delivering 142,000 new homes, including self Build and affordable properties.

This funding under the New Homes Bonus scheme will also reward councils for bringing 13,000 long-term empty properties back into use.

This latest allocation, to be paid in the 2013 to 2014 financial year, means councils will have received £1.3bn through the scheme since its launch in April 2011.Read More »New Homes Bonus scheme adds up to £660m for councils

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