The following plot purchasers tips were mainly supplied to Flosh Meadows team by a contributor on
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Before purchasing a plot, there are a bunch of due diligence checks that the buyer should do themselves. Solicitor may not do them
- DIY survey: Buy a tape and measure the plot, *it should be close to that advertised
- Check against any and every map and title plan you can find, *good site owners will have such titles and maps, your historic society will have maps
- Ensure that boundaries are marked or arrange for them to be so and photographed
- Are there any rights of way or access across the site (solicitor can do this but check on site for evidence, Solicitor won’t do a site visit)
- Services (elec/water etc): Check all are available and can be accessed at affordable cost
- Planning Conditions: Can all conditions be met. Are their any that can only be done at certain times of the year like bat surveys or *tree/bush planting
- Drainage Plan: Soakaways, if used will they work, If not, what’s the viable alternative
- *Good sites will have arranged a fully adoptable foul and surface water drainage, *however, poor sites frequently cannot do so or cannot achieve adoptable standards
- CIL exemption are they available, (if buying a project that’s already been started). *Some Local planning authorities do not charge CIL but always check it out
- Chancel repair liability. Any previous land ownership connection between plot and church, Insurance is cheap. *Good sites will have made you aware of any costings
- Speak to neighbours etc: Are schools OK, Are their any known disputes. what has the land previously been used for
- *are there any nearby problem activities that may concern you or cause concern to subsequent buyers of your self build property
- *Is your plot undermined or possibly effected by above mining activity with possible contamination or instability
- *do immediately adjacent low cost properties reduce your house value
Soon after or before plot purchase, investigate and/or order:
- Site Insurance
- Security fencing (prevent access of children and other false occupiers)
- CIL Exemption: Apply for and receive before starting any work on site
- Order temporary services
- Water and Electric are the two most useful temporary services. Normally a stand pipe for water and some sort of temporary cabinet for electric meter
- Consider applying for permanent services or perhaps get quotes for same
*Flosh Meadows team adaption