The following have assisted Flosh Meadows and we show others who wish to offer their services and products to self builders.
Use our contact form to give additional names who may also help Flosh Meadows self builders.
Professional Service Providers:
- Claire Emerson. Finance & Tax adviser:
- Sam Greig. Planning Consultant:
- Architect & planning consultant: Stuart Woodall.
- Richard Hall: Coast Consulting Engineers. Talk to our highly trained, multidisciplinary team, who in a timely manner work efficiently and creatively to meet our client’s needs, at
- Robin Airey Chartered Building Consultant:
Builders & Groundwork
- xxx
Build Material
- xxx
House goods
- Peter Tyson of Carlisle have supplied a variety of goods to Richard & Betty, owners of Flosh Meadows Self Build and their experience is always; affordable, prompt, supportive.